We’ll pay you up to 30% monthly recurring commissions
Earning opportunities for affiliates:
Tier 1 affiliate
Earn 20% monthly recurring commissions as a new Smarter Contact Tier 1 affiliate. Once you reach 15 active Smarter Contact users paying for their membership through your affiliate id for at least 30 days, you’ll qualify to become a Tier 2 affiliate.
Tier 2 affiliate
Earn 25% monthly recurring commissions as a Tier 2 affiliate. Once you reach 50 active Smarter Contact users paying for their membership through your affiliate id for at least 30 days, you’ll qualify to become a Tier 3 affiliate.
Tier 3 affiliate
Earn 30% monthly recurring commissions as a Tier 3 affiliate. Once you’ve reached this tier you’ll unlock exclusive access to co-marketing campaigns with Smarter Contact’s partnership marketing team to increase your earnings even further.
Already have an established audience? Apply to join our affiliate accelerator program to fast-track you to earning affiliate Tier 3 status. Email josh@smartercontact.com to apply!